

Macで出来るMMORPG「World of Warcraft

複数のサーバで遊ぶために、realmlist.wtf を簡単に入れ替えるスクリプトを書いてみました。

display dialog "接続先を指定してください。" buttons {"サーバ1", "サーバ2", "リストを編集"} default button 1
set WOWSERVERS to button returned of result

if WOWSERVERS is "サーバ1" then
set cmd to "/Applications/World\\ of\\ Warcraft/Data/enUS/"
do shell script "cp " & cmd & "realmlist_01.wtf " & cmd & "realmlist.wtf"

else if WOWSERVERS is "サーバ2" then
set cmd to "/Applications/World\\ of\\ Warcraft/Data/enUS/"
do shell script "cp " & cmd & "realmlist_02.wtf " & cmd & "realmlist.wtf"

else if WOWSERVERS is "リストを編集" then
do shell script "open -a /Applications/TextEdit.app/ /Applications/World\\ of\\ Warcraft/Data/enUS/realmlist.wtf"

end if

tell application "System Events"
display dialog "ゲームを始めますか?" buttons {"キャッシュを消去して開始", "開始", "今はしない"} default button 1
set WOWCACHE to button returned of result

if WOWCACHE is "キャッシュを消去して開始" then
do shell script "rm -dr /Applications/World\\ of\\ Warcraft/Cache/WDB/"
do shell script "open -a /Applications/World\\ of\\ Warcraft/World\\ of\\ Warcraft.app/"
on error
do shell script "open -a /Applications/World\\ of\\ Warcraft/World\\ of\\ Warcraft.app/"
end try

else if WOWCACHE is "開始" then
do shell script "open -a /Applications/World\\ of\\ Warcraft/World\\ of\\ Warcraft.app/"

else if WOWCACHE is "今はしない" then

end if
end tell